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Signs of Fatty Liver Disease and Causes

Signs of Fatty Liver Disease and Causes

Liver is the largest, reddish-brown solid human organ and most important part of digestive system, positioned in the upper right abdomen. It filters blood, removes toxins and other injurious substances. Small amount of fat in liver is normal and indicates healthy liver. But this important organ may badly affected if extra amount of fat stored in it and silently develops many diseases. 5-10% fat in liver by its weight grounds liver disorders with or without giving signs of fatty liver disease.

Common Signs of Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty liver is the most commonly reported disease among all liver infections. Most of the time people do not have any sign of fatty liver disease until doctor suggest them for medical tests or it progresses to liver cirrhosis. But in some cases few common signs of fatty liver disease are –

  • Feeling abdominal pain or fullness in the upper right abdomen (where liver located).
  • Weight loss and very often feeling nausea (but nausea may occur stress, anxiety, infections, motion sickness, and many more reason)
  • Jaundice or clearly identified yellowish skin and whites eyes
  • Swollen abdomen and legs
  • Feeling extreme tiredness and weakness
  • Mental confusion is a very common sign of fatty liver disease
  • Breast enlargement in men
  • Itchy skin and
  • Nosebleeds (rare cases)

Different Stages of a Fatty Liver Diseases

Doctors categorized four stages of a fatty liver disease. At primary stage liver cells start to build-up fat and no inflammation or scarring occurs in this stage. Even, most of the case fatty liver does not develop further and never shows any sign of fatty liver disease for this simple fatty liver (primary stage). People can lead healthy life without facing any problem. Study founds approximately 20% of people have simple fatty liver or primary stages of a fatty liver.

In second stage, inflammation occurs in cells. Liver becomes swollen and trying to repair damaged tissues. This stage is called steatohepatitis. End of this stages of a fatty liver scar tissues start to develop which is known as fibrosis.

In third stage, still liver can function quite well. But scar tissues continuing to develop in liver and blood vessels around it. Liver cells are trying to prevent further progression and even from time to time reverse some of the damages.

Over time, when conditions may get worst, called liver cirrhosis and this is fourth stages of a fatty liver. In this stage all scar tissue replaces healthy tissue and slows down regular liver function. Signs of fatty liver disease starts to appear. Even, in this stage liver may stop function entirely and lead to liver failure with cancer.

Causes of Fatty Liver Disease


Sometimes causes of fatty liver disease is remain less clear. But taking excess calories is the main source to build up fat in liver. Actually, when body doesn’t break down and process our fat efficiently, day by day it accumulates fat in liver. Other causes of fatty liver disease are –

  • drinking too much alcohol (cause alcoholic fatty liver disease)
  • obesity or overweight
  • high blood sugar
  • insulin resistance or having type 2 diabetes
  • high levels of fat, especially triglycerides in blood
  • Taking certain prescription medications
  • inflammatory bowel disease
  • HIV
  • hepatitis C (especially genotype 3) and
  • alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency

No one should not ignore any sign of fatty liver disease because it only appears at third and last stages of a fatty liver disease. However, fatty liver can be controlled by doing exercise and making proper food habit from its early stage.

Normal Blood Sugar Levels for Adults & Tests Procedure

Normal Blood Sugar Levels for Adults & Tests Procedure

Blood sugar level or blood glucose level is considered as a primary indicator to determine the health condition of an adult person. Maintaining normal blood sugar levels for adults and the diabetic patient is challenging. Because the pancreas (an organ located in the abdomen) of diabetic people doesn’t respond properly to blood sugars the way it should. 

Our digestive system converted food into glucose and supply to our bloodstream to distribute it all over the body. Therefore, after a couple of hours of eating blood sugar levels increase. To maintain this sugar at a certain level, the pancreas releases insulin to absorb this high blood sugar with the help of body cells. Thus, our bodies control normal blood sugar levels for adults. But for diabetic people, either their body turns into insulin resistance or they have insulin deficiency. As a result, blood glucose level increases and cause Diabetes.

Normal blood sugar levels for healthy adults and Diabetic person

Blood sugar level or Blood Glucose level may vary for different factors. However, this level fluctuates throughout the day. For healthy person

  • at the time of fasting the range is 3.9 to 6.1 mmol/L (70 and 110 mg/dL).
  • without diabetes and not fasting should be below 6.9 mmol/L (125 mg/dL)
  • after a couple of hours of eating food, for non-diabetics, temporarily up to 7.8 mmol/L (140 mg/dL) or slightly more

The target range for diabetic people should be

  • 0 –7.2 mmol/l (90–130 mg/dL) before meals and
  • less than 10 mmol/L (180 mg/dL) two hours after meals (as per the American Diabetes Association)

Signs of Fatty Liver Disease

Blood Glucose Level Tests and diabetic confirmation

Doctors recommended a few procedures for blood glucose level tests to find out normal blood sugar levels for adults.  

  1. Fasting plasma glucose test
  2. Oral glucose tolerance test
  3. Random check

Fasting plasma glucose test:

Usually, people abstain from food at night that’s why doctors perform blood glucose level tests in the morning before taking breakfast.  After fasting for 8 hours if the blood glucose level remains higher than 7 mmol/L or 126 mg/dL, the person is declared diabetic.


Oral glucose tolerance test:

After getting a fasting plasma glucose test positive, doctors suggest performing other blood glucose level tests to confirm the diabetes condition. To do the test, after 8 hours of fasting special sugary drink is provided to the patient. 2 hours later sugar level test is performed. If the results are higher than 11 mmol/L or 200 mg/dL, the person is declared diabetic.


Random blood glucose level tests:

This test is also known as RBS test. A blood sample is taken at any random time irrespective of meal to do the test. If blood sugar level found more than 10 mmol/L or 200 mg/dl in RBS test would indicate diabetes. However, a few additional signs with this test confirm diabetes-like peeing more than usual, most of the time feeling thirsty, and losing a significant amount of weight.  

Uncontrolled long-term diabetes can damage any part of your body. It may damage kidneys, eyes, nerves, heart, and even lead to organ failure. Sometimes high blood sugar levels are also responsible for amputations and pregnancy failures. This is why it is very essential to keep control of normal blood sugar levels for adults and perform blood glucose level tests regularly to confirm blood glucose at a normal diabetes level.

Signs of Gonorrhea for Males and Treatment

Signs of Gonorrhea for Males and Treatment

Gonorrhea is the most common Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) in the world. This is because of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae or gonococcus bacteria bacteria attacks. Study shows that in the United States nearly 1.5 million young people (aged between of 15 to 25) infected by this bacteria. Among them at least 25% cases remain unregistered because very often signs of gonorrhea for males are asymptomatic and many young people beleive that those signs are usual. 

signs of gonorrhea in males

Signs of Gonorrhea for Males

Around 1 in 10 cases external signs of gonorrhea for males is unnoticed. However, for men who have gonorrhea symptoms are –

  • Feeling burning sensation at the time of urinating
  • Urethral infection with unusual, thick yellow, white or green discharge from the penis
  • Inflammation (swelling) of the foreskin
  • Another less common signs of gonorrhea for males is painful or swollen testicles

For both men and women Gonorrhea may create infection at rectum, throat and eyes. This bacterial sexually transmitted infection creates unusual discharge from rectum or  makes person discomfort, anal itching, soreness, bleeding and sometimes painful bowel movements. Conjunctivitis may develop if semen or vaginal fluid let go into eyes.  For throat infection, without having any external symptoms, infected person feel something wrong in his throat.

Signs of gonorrhea for newborn babies may visible in their eyes within first couple of weeks. In this case eyes converted in red and swollen, and have a heavy, pus-like unusual discharge.

signs of gonorrhea for males and treatment


Causes for Gonorrhea of Males

The main reason of Gonorrhea for men and women is doing sex (either vaginal, anal, or oral) with someone who has gonorrhea. But Gonorrhea may spread by other couple of ways.

This dieses may transmitted from infected pregnant women to her new born baby.

Sharing Sex toys and sex vibrators are a good source to spread this dieses. That’s why before using any sex toys or vibrator washed as it should be and covered with a new condom or other protectors.

This STD never spread by hugging, using sharing swimming pool, towel, toilet seat, using same cup and plates and even by kissing.



Treatment of Gonorrhea

Just after noticing signs of gonorrhea in males and female, it should be reported to the health care provider. Because gonorrhea is fully curable with the correct treatment. But is very important to complete the full course. Usually injection and a single antibiotic is given for Gonorrhea treatment. But both men and women untreated condition may lead serious and permanent pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

Signs of gonorrhea for males should be taken casually, in rare cases, untreated gonorrhea may lead him to be sterile. That means he will not be able to become a father. Even untreated long term gonorrhea can spread to different joints and blood. This is life threatening.

At last, any sexually active person may infected by Neisseria Gonorrhoeae bacteria because of insecure vaginal, anal, or oral sex. All sexually active person who is gay or bisexual (new or multiple sex partners) should be tested common STDs in every year. Because at present Gonorrhea is most common reported sexually transmitted dieses in the USA among all bacterial STDs.


Nutrients In Red Onion & Health Benefits

Nutrients In Red Onion & Health Benefits

Red onions are the most common Allium vegetable in the world. It is found in different shapes, sizes, and flavors. Even the taste of red onions are ranging from juicy and sweet to sharp, pungent, and spicy. These facts depend on the land (area) and season where onion is cultivated. Red onions have impressive health benefits, whether they’re raw or cooked. Nutrients in red onion are a little bit higher than in other species. 

Red Onion Benefits

Nutrients in red onion

Red onions are cholesterol-free, low in sodium, and contain a negligible amount of fat. Most of the case onions contain 89% water, 9% complex carbohydrate (including 4% sugar and 2% dietary fiber), and almost 1% protein. The main nutrients in red onion per 100g are –

Calories 40
Potassium 146 mg
Sodium 4 mg
Carbohydrate 9 g (including Dietary fiber and Sugar)
Protein 1.1 g
The main vitamins found in red onions are Vitamin C, Iron, Vitamin B-6, Magnesium, and Calcium.

Onions supply 12% Vitamin C, 5% Vitamin B-6, 2% Magnesium, 2% Calcium, very tiny percentages of zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium of your Daily intake limit (based on a 2,000 calorie diet). 

Nutrients in red onion

Health benefits of Red onion

What does red onion do for your body?

Nutrients in red onion have some organosulfur compounds that help to lower blood pressure means to keep your heart healthy.  

Regular consumption of allium vegetables like red onions can protect you from different diseases, even cancers. Nutrients in red onions especially Phytochemicals and flavonoid quercetin are responsible to do this task.

Research showed that the flavonoid quercetin of onions acts as an anti-inflammatory in the human body and onions have the natural anti-diabetic effect (help to control blood sugar levels).

Red onions are capable to inhibit low-density lipoprotein oxidation, which is very important for atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Flavonoids of onions help decrease the threat of stroke and Parkinson’s disease. 

Another study showed that regular consumption of onions could lower the rate of colorectal cancer by nearly 75 percent and suggest consuming .01 pounds of allium vegetables (chives, garlic, scallions, shallots, leeks) per day.

The research found that the consumption of garlic and red onion reduced the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

Raw onion juice keeps scalp dandruff free for its antibacterial nutrients and keeps lice free. Even, onion juice may be helpful for hair growth, though much more scientific evidence is needed to prove it.

Health benefits of Red onion

Health benefits – Vitamin in Red onion

Among all Nutrients in red onion vitamin B-6 is a blessing for mankind because it improves mood as well as reduces depression.

Red onions provide a decent amount of Vitamin C, which is essential for the growth, increase, and repair of all body tissues. It also reduces the risk of chronic disease and Boosts immunity.

As red onions supply 2% Magnesium and 2% calcium, they strengthen bones and teeth as well as protect against osteoporosis. Magnesium compounds may also improve sleep.  Even, eating raw onion regularly may help in easing postmenopausal symptoms.

Each 100g red onion supplies 146mg Potassium which is a very important mineral to regulate fluid balance, muscle contractions, and nerve signals. Potassium also protects against stroke and prevents osteoporosis and kidney stones.

At last, antioxidants and sulfur-containing compounds make red onions different from other vegetables as they can reduce cancer risk, decrease heart diseases, lower blood pressure and sugar level, and by removing depression keep in good mood. 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms (IBS) and Signs

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms (IBS) and Signs

What is Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS, is an uncomfortable gastrointestinal (GI) disorder. IBS also referred as spastic or nervous colon. It’s a functional disorder of gut and brain interaction. People with IBS has several common symptoms including abdominal pain, gas, cramping, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and sometime both constipation and diarrhea. Common syndrome found with IBS peoples are anxiety or major depression. IBS is not responsible for serious diseases or not the cause of changes in bowel tissues. Here, in this blog, you will get perfect information on Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms and sign to identify whether you have IBS or not.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms and Signs

Almost 10-15% Americans have IBS but only 7-8% are concerned to receive diagnosis. The reason is many people doesn’t care enough of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms, even they thought it’s usual.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptom

1. Abdominal pain or cramping

The most common Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptom is lower abdominal pain or cramping specially with bowel movement. As this is gastrointestinal (GI) disorder, poor signal coordination between intestines (gut) and the brain can changes digestive process, resulting pain in lower abdomen or cramping. Changing food habit or eating only one food at a time can improve this pain.

2. Diarrhea

It’s 2nd most common symptom for IBS people. Diarrhea-predominant IBS is known as IBS-D. Most of the time poop may contain mucus and watery. People with IBS-D may face sudden onset diarrhea. If this happen frequently, may be you have IBS-D.

3. Constipation

Constipation may happen for many reasons but almost half of the people with IBS faces constipation. This type is known as IBS-C. Anyone can easily feel the difference between normal constipation (functional) and IBS-C.  Frequently feeling pain in abdomen at the time of constipation indicates IBS-C.  Maximum time poop stay hard and lumpy.

4. Constipation and Diarrhea Mixed or Alternating

This Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptom indicates IBS-M type. Approximately 15-20% IBS people have this symptom. Pain is the common feeling with bowel movements and on the same day you may notice both loose and watery bowel movements and hard and lumpy movements. 

5. Gas and Bloating

Though this nagging symptom may happen many reason but it is one of the most common in IBS people. Gas may produce in abdomen for your food habit too. But if you feel frequently this symptom after whatever you eat, even identify bloating, that means you have IBS. Study found that 75-80% IBS people has both symptom of gas, bloating and constipation with pain.

6. Food Intolerance

Particular food may work as a trigger for above Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptom. Different people has different food intolerance, but there are some common gas producing food. Many IBS patient avoid to take multiple food at a time. FODMAP may help and provide remarkable benefits for digestive disorders.  

7. Fatigue and disturbed sleep

Though fatigue may happen for many reason like lack of sleep, being overweight or obese, periods of emotional stress, taking certain medications, lack of physical activity and so on. But study with IBS people found in every 2 people with IBS one reported Fatigue and nearly 15% reported disturbed sleep quality. Even people with IBS felt less refreshed after taking longer rest/sleep than those without IBS.

8. Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression is interrelated with IBS. Some study shows people with IBS may face mood disorder or depression and some study shows anxiety and depression may liable for IBS.

Don’t be frightened if you find out above Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms with you. Keep in mind IBS is not life threatening and can be control by changing food habit and treatment. But there’s no cure for IBS.

How many calories should you burn a day to reduce fat >>

Health benefits of lemon fruit and adverse effects

Health benefits of lemon fruit and adverse effects

benefits of lemon

Lemon are very nourishing and common fruit all over the world. For pleasant smells of lemon, very often people use small amounts to add flavor with soft drinks, juice and other food. In addition health benefits of lemon water is much known to everyone. One medium size lemon 84gm (2-2.5’’ diameter) provides 24 calories with 115.9 mg Potassium, 1.7 mg Sodium, 8gm carbohydrate, Vitamin C, Vitamin B-6, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, citric acid and very low amount of fat 0.3gm. Lemon is totally cholesterol free.


For containing high amount of vitamin C, potassium, vitamin B-6 and some other healthy components lemon has numerous health benefits. Lemons can improve heart health, reduce the risk of kidney stones and many types of cancers, may help to prevent anemia, aids in digestion, helps to clean skin and promotes weight loss. Whatever the way you eat lemon, it’s good for health.

Lemon reduce stroke risk

Primary health benefits of lemon is – it can reduce blood pressure, hence reduce heart disease. Because high blood pressure damages heart veins. Overweight or high blood pressure patient may reduce the stoke risk by eating citrus fruits (lemon). Those who regularly eat lemon water in the morning or lemon water before bed gets sufficient amount of vitamin C that lower the risk of ischemic stroke. This type of stoke mainly occurs when a blood clot blocks the flow of blood to the brain.


Reduce the risk of kidney stones

Kidney stones are quite common dieses. It occurs when small crystallize lumps form from waste foodstuffs in your kidneys. Studies shows citric acid may prevent this kidney stones formation. As lemon contain enough citric acid so it can reduce the risk of kidney stones. People who eat drinking water with lemon (1/2-cup or around 125 ml) per day may get sufficient citric acid to help prevent kidney stone formation.

Lemon help to prevent anemia

Insufficiency of iron may lead Iron deficiency anemia and it is relatively common dieses. Though lemon doesn’t supply huge quantity of iron but its vitamin C and citric acid can improve your immunity system to takes iron from other plant-based foods. If you don’t like sour taste of lemon, mix honey with lemon juice. Thus maintaining proper iron level, lemon help to prevent anemia.


Lemon fruit aids to improve digestion

If you have digestive problem, try to drink hot water and lemon juice in every morning. But confirm lemon pulp in your juice to get more soluble fiber. Soluble fiber of lemon will helps to improve your digestive health.

Skin benefits of lemon fruit

If you have any bad dark spot on your skin, try lemon juice or lemon water at night before bed. Natural antibacterial qualities of Lemon and its alpha hydroxyl acids acts acne medications. They can remove blackheads and brighten your skin.

The Vitamin C in lemons also promotes collagen synthesis, another boost to your skin.


Lemon fruit Reduce Cancer Risk

Lemon are great source of antioxidant vitamin C that prevent human cell damages and killed cancer cells. Reduce cell damages means it can reduce the risk of cancer. Few researchers believe limonene and naringenin found in lemon have anticancer effects, though some studies have found no effects.


Lemon water for weight loss

Lemon and water both are helpful for weight loss. It supplies tiny amount of fat so you can eat lemon and water juice without any hesitation. Rather it provides high amount of pectin and vitamin C that gives you feel fuller for longer. Citrus fruits like lemon has good amount of fiber that lead to lower body weight. Research shows who eat lemon with a high fat diet gained lesser weight than those who did not eat lemon. But more research needed to confirm whether lemon water for weight loss is effective or not.


You may get some other benefits of lemon – it may help blood sugar level in control, relieves a sore throat, boosting immune system and so on. But lemon water in the morning and lemon water at night before going bed may give you so many health benefits.

Adverse effects of lemon Fruit


Without knowing adverse effects of lemon juice, people are always trying to find out benefits of lemon fruit. Common side effects of lemon is Skin irritation, Phytophotodermatitis, Leukoderma, gastroesophageal reflux disease, acid reflux and increase migraine.