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Wisdom Tooth Growing In Pain – Signs, Causes and Relief

Wisdom Tooth Growing In Pain – Signs, Causes and Relief

Some pains are mental, while some are physical; the one that is both and more is dental! While you experience many bodily changes as you age, wisdom tooth growing in pain is the most common.

The pain often indicates that the wisdom tooth grows in the mouth through the gums and “adjusts” to the oral environment. At times, there is no need to worry, and the pain subsides as the tooth fully erupts. However, in most cases, infection, fever, and difficulty in eating accompany the wisdom tooth growing pain, and you will need immediate dental treatment.

Keep reading to learn what causes the wisdom tooth growing pain and the ways for wisdom tooth pain relief.

wisdom tooth growing pain

Wisdom Tooth Growing Pain – The Teething Dilemma

Many people, especially the mothers (of course, after dentists), know that the teething process is not a one-time game. It occurs in phases and at different ages.

Babies keep popping and growing their milk teeth from 6 months until 2.5 years of age. Permanent teeth start to come in, milk teeth shed off after six years of age, and the phase continues until 12-13 years of age and pauses. The word “pause” here is synonymous with waiting for the last pair of molars to erupt.

The third molar, or wisdom tooth as commonly known, comes between 18-25 years old. They are four in number and erupt in the four corners of the mouth (two uppers and two lower).

Pain is one of the biggest signs of a wisdom tooth coming out. Most people experience wisdom tooth growing in pain, while others might not even notice and already have all the wisdom before they know it.

Knowing that the wisdom tooth to the third molar is coming into the oral cavity is important so you can manage the signs and symptoms accordingly.

Seven Signs of Wisdom Teeth Coming Out

Dental problems are painful, but neglecting them is more painful. Here are the seven common signs of wisdom teeth coming out.

Signs of Wisdom Teeth Coming Out

1. Dental Pain:

Wisdom teeth are the last ones to erupt and occupy the corner most spaces. It is common to experience mild discomfort and pain when the wisdom tooth comes out, as it will be making its place. People with smaller jaws or other dental problems can encounter severe pain during this process.

2. Pain in Jaw, Ears and Eyes:

As the wisdom tooth grows, it can put pressure on the nerve in the surroundings leading to a shooting, sharp pain in the jaws, often eyes and ears. Pain in the jaw is the most common sign of wisdom tooth growing in pain.

3. Gum Irritation:

When a wisdom tooth erupts, the corner of the mouth feels swollen. This is because the gums surrounding the wisdom tooth undergo changes leading to irritation, redness, bleeding and swelling.

4. White Speckles:

While you might not be able actually to acknowledge this sign, your dental professional will know. Small white spots behind the second molars indicate that the wisdom tooth is about to erupt.

5. Difficulty in Mouth Opening:

Wisdom tooth eruption leads to gums swelling and jaw pain, as already mentioned. As a result, the patient can experience difficulty or pain while opening and closing their mouth.

6. Wisdom Tooth Pain at Night:

Wisdom tooth pain at night can increase tremendously because, as we lay down, the blood flow to the head and neck region increases, increasing the pressure in the region. This pressure triggers wisdom tooth pain areas, making it difficult to sleep.

7. Frequent Headaches:

Some people experience frequent headaches often associated with the wisdom tooth pain area.

All of these signs of wisdom teeth coming out need dental attention. Often, extracting the wisdom tooth is the easiest and go-to solution, yet the dentist can recommend otherwise if it is coming out in a normal position and the symptoms resolve as it fully grows.

Causes of Wisdom Tooth Growing in Pain – Things you must know

wisdom tooth pain at night

It is important to eliminate the root cause of a wisdom tooth growing in pain to treat the pain or other signs and symptoms.
The wisdom tooth may erupt in a not-so-normal angle and position, or there is not enough room for the “newcomer” in the mouth, hence all the pain (mostly the wisdom tooth pain at night) and discomfort.

Other causes can alleviate the signs of wisdom teeth coming out, including:

Impacted or partially erupted wisdom tooth:

The most common cause that usually leads to wisdom tooth extraction is when it stays impacted or partially erupted. If the tooth is impacted, it will be fully inside the gums and will not be able to erupt in the mouth. If a wisdom tooth partially erupts, only a small part comes out of the gums. 

Gum disease:

Existing gum diseases such as bleeding or receding gums elevate the wisdom tooth growing in pain by increasing the vulnerability of the gums.


Cysts are fluid-filled sacs, usually with the impacted or partially impacted wisdom teeth. If a cyst is present, it can lead to a severe wisdom tooth growing in pain.

Infection and abscess:

Infection can easily develop, especially if the gum is already vulnerable. Bacteria can invade the gums and the area behind the second molars, as it is difficult to clean, leads to infection and often abscess. If the patient does not get the treatment for the infection, it can cause fever and severe wisdom tooth pain.

Dental problems:

Every tooth in your mouth, especially the wisdom tooth, is susceptible to a dental cavity or tooth decay. Often, as the wisdom tooth erupts abnormally and is in proximity to its predecessor, the second molar, the area can accumulate bacteria leading to tooth decay.

The process of wisdom tooth eruption is difficult. However, the good news is that it is easy to manage the wisdom tooth growing in pain.

Best Ways to Ensure Wisdom Tooth Growing Pain Relief:

There are many ways to attain wisdom tooth growing pain relief, even some great home remedies. Nevertheless, the best option is always to consult your dentist, as they know better.

Wisdom Tooth Growing Pain Relief

Home Remedies for Wisdom Tooth Growing Pain Relief :

Rinse with lukewarm salt water:

If you have ever had gum disease or tooth extraction, you will know that dentists highly recommend slat water rinses. Add a pinch of salt water in lukewarm water and do as many rinses throughout the day as you want. It helps bring down the swelling, aids in healing and helps in wisdom tooth growing pain relief.

However, if you have blood pressure issues avoid salt; use lukewarm water for rinses. Salt can spike your blood pressure, so always consult your dentist before you try it.

Use clove oil:

Clove has proven benefits in dentistry. It is a part of certain dental medications to treat dental pain and infection and aid in wound healing as clove has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial effects.

Clove oil is a part of household pantries, and you will not have difficulty finding it. Just apply a little bit on your finger and massage your gums. Even if you do not have clove oil, take five to six cloves and boil it in water; use this clove water for rinses.

Heat and cold therapy:

This remedy is also one of the post-operative instructions given by the dentist. To get rid of dental pain and swelling, you can apply a hot or a cold pack to the area, and you will experience instant relief.

Over-the-counter drugs:

If no remedy helps with wisdom tooth growing pain, it is essential to visit the dental clinic. However, if you experience wisdom tooth pain at night and it is not possible to go to a dental clinic, you can take over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen and aspirin.

If you try any home remedies, consult your dental professional first. Remember, not everything is for everyone. Your pain relief remedy highly depends on the root cause of a wisdom tooth growing in pain.

If you try any home remedies, consult your dental professional first. Remember, not everything is for everyone. Your pain relief remedy highly depends on the root cause of a wisdom tooth growing in pain.

Dental Treatment for Wisdom Tooth Growing Pain Relief :

Deep dental cleaning:

After a thorough dental examination, if the dentist sees fit, they can opt for a deep cleaning (curettage) around the wisdom tooth pain area to save the tooth if possible. Usually, after professional cleaning and removing bacteria-laden dental plaque (a sticky layer that forms around the tooth and gums), patients experience wisdom tooth growing pain relief.

Treatment for dental problems:

If the main cause of a wisdom tooth growing in pain is an existing dental problem like a dental cavity, the dentist will first treat it to see if the pain subsides or not.

Wisdom tooth extraction or removal:

The last yet the most common resort is removing the wisdom tooth from the mouth. In most cases, the patient experiences severe pain, and the pain goes to such an extent that it hinders their routine lifestyle. 

The dentist will suggest wisdom tooth extraction in such cases, especially if the tooth is impacted, partially erupted, comprising oral hygiene or causing problems to the neighboring teeth.

How long does wisdom teeth' growing pain last

What happens after the wisdom tooth removal?

People believe tooth removal is never a good option and can cause other problems.

Well, no, that is not the case.

If a dentist recommends tooth extraction, there are no ifs and buts, especially if they suggest it for the wisdom tooth growing in pain. Wisdom teeth or the third molar are the “extra” teeth in your mouth. If they are healthy, they cause no pain or dental problems, and then there is no harm in letting them stay in the mouth.

However, if they cause pain, infection and other problems, it is essential to remove them. Unlike any other tooth in your mouth, the best part is that a wisdom tooth does not need a replacement after extraction.

All you need to do is follow the post-operative instructions after removing the wisdom tooth growing in pain, and after a few days, you become fit as a fiddle.

Instructions to follow wisdom tooth removal:

  • Do not eat hot, hard or spicy food for the next 24-48 hours after the tooth extraction
  • Avoid brushing harshly from the extracted site for 24 hours
  • Do not use the straw for the next 24 to 48 hours. Drinking from a straw can cause negative pressure in your mouth and disrupt the healing process of the wound, causing more problems and pain
  • Do lukewarm salt-water rinses after 24 hours of wisdom tooth extraction (avoid salt if you have blood pressure)
  • Use a cold pack on the area of the extraction to aid in healing
  • Take all medications on time to avoid pain and discomfort after removal of wisdom tooth
  • If you experience severe pain, swelling, bleeding or fever after wisdom tooth extraction, rush to your dentist

There are no side effects of wisdom tooth extraction. Instead, it is a savior and enables optimum oral health.

How long does wisdom teeth’ growing pain last?

Patients are not often comfortable with the idea of wisdom teeth extraction, and they seek ways to manage the pain if possible.
Pain and other associated signs related to the eruption of wisdom teeth usually go away on their own over a period of time. The patient can try the suggested home remedies for pain relief.
Whether the patient can tolerate the pain or not depends on the severity of the wisdom teeth growing pain and the duration it lasts for.
The pain associated with a growing wisdom tooth lasts for 7-14 days. If the pain is bearable and treatable with pain-relieving medications, then it is advisable to wait until the pain subsides and there is no need for an invasive dental treatment.
For the initial 2-3 days, you can experience cheek swelling and pain, especially at night. If the pain and other symptoms for more than 2-3 days, it is essential to visit the dentist so they can examine your growing wisdom teeth and suggest treatment or no treatment plan accordingly.
If things look bad, the dentist may suggest wisdom tooth removal. However, if everything seems okay in your oral cavity, your dental professional will ask you to wait and let the wisdom tooth come in.

How to Prevent Wisdom Tooth Growing Pain – Is it possible?

Wisdom tooth eruption is a natural and inevitable process. That does not mean you cannot manage or prevent wisdom tooth growing pain. 

Here is how you can prevent, or at least reduce the wisdom tooth growing pain:

Practice great oral hygiene:

Brush your teeth twice daily and use dental floss with the proper technique (you can ask your dentist or dental hygienist to guide you on this).

Eat healthy food and avoid sugary things:

To keep dental problems like tooth decay at bay, eat healthy food, rinse your mouth after every meal as it will help eliminate bacteria from the mouth and avoid eating sticky and sugary food.

Visit the dental clinic regularly:

Where your eyes cannot reach, your dentist can easily see!

You can practice great oral hygiene; it is vital to visit your dentist regularly every six months. This way, the dentist can ensure optimum oral health and look out for any potential dental issues, especially a wisdom tooth growing in pain.

Key Takeaway

A wisdom tooth growing in pain can disrupt your lifestyle, make it difficult to eat and talk, and lead to sleepless nights. Furthermore, ignoring the mild signs of wisdom teeth coming out and not consulting the dentist can turn into your worst nightmare.

 Once a dental problem initiates, there is no going back. You need the right dental treatment. Because, unlike any other body part, a tooth cannot heal or repair itself even though it is the hardest substance in your body.

So, as soon as you start experiencing the symptoms of a wisdom tooth erupting, ensure that you take all the necessary steps to save yourself from the agony and pain.

Best Low Calorie Fast Food Options

Best Low Calorie Fast Food Options

Who doesn’t love fast food? You may hardly find a person among thousands of people who dislike the tastes of fast foods. But you will be surprised to know that most fast food provides high calories, sodium, and saturated fat. Even, a single fast-food item may supply more than your daily recommended limit of fat, sodium, and calorie intake. But, there are lots of low-calorie fast food available too. If you want to eat fried chicken, try to order the lowest calorie fried chicken, for pizza or burger selection, do the same. You just need to know how to order the best one. The simplest way to select the best low calorie fast food is to check the restaurant’s website.

Here, in this article, I’m giving you a list of the 25 best low calorie fast food items, but you will get more than 100 options in different restaurants.

Best Low Calorie Fast Food

General Considerations to Select the Best Low Calorie Fast Food

Firstly, try to select fast foods having less than 500 calories.

Secondly, avoid fast foods that are high in cholesterol, fat, and sodium content. Rather, select foods that are high in protein, vitamins, and fiber, low in fat and calories.

Thirdly, select grilled foods and avoid fried fast foods as much as possible. For example, order grilled chicken rather than fried chicken. Because grilled food is always healthier than fried food. 

Fourthly, try to order small size because big size provides a high amount of calories. Most importantly, forget about prices or super-sized alternatives. Definitely, you should calculate the calories of your meal from the nutrition chart. Even, you can eat half of your meal and save the rest for later to decreased calorie counts.

Next, try to consider some side dishes including veggie items, salads, juice, or fresh fruit to balance your meal with all nutrients. But avoid fast food salads with high-calorie toppings like cheese or other fat contents.

Most importantly, try to avoid mayonnaise and oil-based sauces. Rather select ketchup with your fast foods.

Lastly, order zero-calorie drinks, rather than any other options. Fruit juice is best for all time.

Above all is just a simple guideline to order your best low-calorie fast food. According to the guideline some of the healthier fast-food options are listed below –

McDonald’s: Hamburger

McDonalds Hamburger
Picture Courtesy: McDonald’s

If you like McDonald’s burgers, then Hamburger is a good choice as the best low-calorie fast food. Its main ingredients are a regular bun, 100% pure beef patty, salt, and pepper. It has no artificial flavors. Even, no preservatives or artificial colors are used. Ingredients of hamburgers topped are chopped onions, tomato ketchup, pickle slices, and mustard.

According to USDA, a single McDonald’s Hamburger provides 250 calories, 9 g total fat (11 % DV), 31 g total carbs (11 % DV), and 12 g protein (25 % DV).

Saturated Fat:             3.5 grams (17 Percent Daily Values)
Dietary Fiber:              1 gram (5 Percent Daily Values)
Calcium:                      20 milligrams (2 Percent Daily Values)
Total Sugars:               6 grams
Iron:                             3 milligrams (15 Percent Daily Values)
Cholesterol:                 30 milligrams (9 Percent Daily Values)
Potassium:                   200 milligrams (4 Percent Daily Values)
Sodium:                       510 milligrams (22 Percent Daily Values)

 *** Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Subway: Roast Beef Sandwich

Roast Beef Sandwich

Picture Courtesy: Subway

If the sandwich is your favorite choice, opt for Subway’s roast beef sandwich without any hesitation. The high amount of protein and low amount of calories makes it the best low-calorie fast food sandwich option. The serving size of a single sandwich is 233grams. The main ingredients of this classic fast food are Angus Roast Beef, Hearty Multigrain Bread, and plenty of fresh veggies. According to Subway’s nutrition calculator, one Roast beef sandwich provides –

Calories 290
Total Fat 5
Saturated Fat 1.5 g
Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 40 mg
Sodium 740 mg
Carbohydrates 41 g
Dietary Fiber 4 g
Sugars 7 g
Protein 22 g
Vitamin A 30% of DV, Vitamin C 15% of DV, Calcium 2% of DV, and Iron 20% of DV.
*** Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Chick-Fil-A: Grilled Nuggets

chick-fil-a grilled nuggets

Picture Courtesy: Chick-Fil-A

Chick-fil-A’s Grilled Nuggets are one of the healthiest and best low-calorie fast food options on their menu with a high amount of protein. The nuggets are available in a few iconic serving sizes of 5, 8, or 12 pieces. This Bite-sized freshly marinated boneless grilled chicken breasts are awesome in taste. According to Chick-fil-A, this grilled chicken is for tender and juicy backyard-smoky taste. Even, this item is available with guests’ choice of dipping sauces.

Chick-Fil-A’s 12 pieces Grilled Nuggets (serving size 142g) provide 200 calories, a total of 4.5grams of fat, 1g saturated fat, 0 trans-fat, 130mg Cholesterol, 660mg Sodium, 2gm carbohydrates, 0g fiber, 1g sugar, and 38gm protein.


Starbucks: Spinach, Feta & Egg White Wrap

Picture Courtesy: Workingagainstgravity

If you want to start your day with Starbucks high protein healthy low-calorie fast food, don’t hesitate to go with Spinach, Feta & Egg White Wrap hot breakfast. This is a good selection for vegetarians with natural flavor. The main ingredients of this delicious menu are wheat flour wrap, egg white omelet, spinach, feta cheese, sun-dried tomato cream cheese spread, tomato blend, canola oil, sugar, honey, yeast, and salt. The serving size of single Spinach, Feta & Egg White Wrap is 159g and provides 290 calories with other nutrition as mentioned below –


Calories 290                               

                                                  % Daily Value *

Total Fat 8 g                                        10%
Saturated Fat 3.5 g                             17%
Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 20 mg                              7%
Sodium 840 mg                                   37%
Total Carbohydrates 34 g                   12%
Dietary Fiber 3 g                                 11%
Sugars 5 g
Protein 20 g

* 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice, but calorie needs vary.

Chick-Fil-A: Grilled Chicken Sandwich

Chick-Fil-A Grilled Chicken Sandwich

Picture Courtesy: Chick-Fil-A

Opt for Chick-Fil-A’s grilled chicken sandwich for a low-calorie fast food option. The main ingredients of this sandwich are 1 multi-grain Bun, 1 lemon-herb marinated grilled boneless chicken breast, 2 farm-fresh tomato slices, and green leaf lettuce. The sandwich serves with honey roasted BBQ sauce that makes it juicy and delicious. However, you can add some extra ingredients to make it more delicious like Colby Jack Cheese, bacon, American cheese, Chick-fil-A Sauce, honey mustard sauce, sweet and spicy sriracha sauce, or other ingredients available at an additional cost.


Nutrition information (per sandwich) serving size 206g:

380 Calories, total fat 11grams, saturated fat 2, trans fat 0, cholesterol 75mg, sodium 755mg, carbohydrate 44, fiber 2gram, sugar 11gram, and protein 28grams.

KFC: Kentucky Grilled Chicken Whole Wing 

Kentucky grilled chicken

Picture Courtesy: Lovefood

One of the best selections from low-calorie fast food options at KFC. According to their food nutrition chat, Kentucky grilled chicken whole wing is the best option among all of their menus. This item is available in a few iconic buckets of 4, 8, 12, or 16 pieces. However, a single Kentucky grilled chicken whole wing provides 70 calories, a total of 3 grams of fat including only 1 gram of saturated fat, 0 trans-fat, 45 milligrams of cholesterol, 0 carbohydrates, 180 milligrams sodium, 0 dietary fiber, 0 total sugar, and 9 grams of protein. So, an increase in your order quantity also increases the calories and other nutritional values. That means you can eat KFC’s 4 pieces (280 calories) grilled chicken whole wing at a time without getting any bad impact on your health.

Nando’s: 3 Chicken Thighs

Chicken Thighs

Picture Courtesy: Nando’s

Nando’s grilled chicken thighs are one of the best low-calorie fast food among all of their healthier options. This item comes with different tastes and flavors, named like Xtra hot, hot, medium (hits the spot without scalding your tonsils), Lemon & herb, Mango & Lime (a mere hint of heat but a tidal wave of flavor), and  Plain…ish (marinated in PERi-PERi but grilled with no added spice). The main dish includes 3 boneless flame-grilled thighs with skin. Besides grilled chicken thighs, Nando’s has a few other grilled options like the grilled chicken leg or butterflied whole chicken breast.  3 Chicken thighs provide 420 calories, 28g total fat including 7g saturated fat, 180 mg sodium content, 0 sugar, 0 crabs, and 39g protein.

Pizza Hut: Gluten-free Crust Veggie Supreme

Gluten free Crust Veggie

Great selection for vegetable lovers. Gluten-free veggie pizza provides low calories compared to other pizzas. According to PizzaHut’s nutrition calculator, a single slice serving size provides 110 calories. However, as pizza is enormously calorific, so opt for a maximum of 3 slices at a time over a whole pizza. That means you will get 330 calories for consuming 3 slices. Usually, Gluten-free Veggie Supreme toppings are served with diced Roma tomatoes, fresh green bell peppers, fresh mushrooms, fresh red onions, and Mediterranean black olives. But you have options to modify it as your own choice before placing your order. Other nutrition’s provides a single slice are –

Total fat 3.5g including saturated fat 1.5g, Cholesterol 10mg, Sodium 230 mg, Total carbohydrates 15g, dietary fiber 1g, sugars 3g, and protein 4g.

McDonald’s: Filet-O-Fish

McDonald's Filet-O-Fish

Picture Courtesy: McDonald’s

Filet-O-Fish is always a great choice from McDonald’s classic menu items since 1965 and the best low-calorie fast food option for you. It’s been over 50 years but still, customers are coming back for this delicious fish sandwich. The main ingredients in the Filet-O-Fish are Fish Filet Patty, Regular Bun, Tartar Sauce, and Pasteurized Process American Cheese Half Slice. Fish used in filet-o-fish is sourced from sustainably managed fisheries.

According to McDonald’s food nutrition chart, single Fillet-O-Fish provides 380 calories, 18 g total fat (23 % DV), 39 g total carbs (14 % DV), and 16 g protein (31 % DV).
Saturated Fat: 4 grams (19 Percent Daily Values)
Dietary Fiber: 2 grams (6 Percent Daily Values)
Calcium: 26 milligrams (4 Percent Daily Values)
Total Sugars: 5 grams
Iron: 2 milligrams (10 Percent Daily Values)
Cholesterol: 40 milligrams (14 Percent Daily Values)
Potassium: 300 milligrams (6 Percent Daily Values)
Sodium: 580 milligrams (25 Percent Daily Values)
*** Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

McDonald’s: Chicken McNuggets

McDonald's Chicken McNuggets

Picture Courtesy: McDonald’s

Filet-O-Fish is always a great choice from McDonald’s classic menu items since 1965 and the best low-calorie fast food option for you. It’s been over 50 years but still, customers are coming back for this delicious fish sandwich. The main ingredients in the Filet-O-Fish are Fish Filet Patty, Regular Bun, Tartar Sauce, and Pasteurized Process American Cheese Half Slice. Fish used in filet-o-fish is sourced from sustainably managed fisheries.

According to McDonald’s food nutrition chart, single Fillet-O-Fish provides 380 calories, 18 g total fat (23 % DV), 39 g total carbs (14 % DV), and 16 g protein (31 % DV).
Saturated Fat: 4 grams (19 Percent Daily Values)
Dietary Fiber: 2 grams (6 Percent Daily Values)
Calcium: 26 milligrams (4 Percent Daily Values)
Total Sugars: 5 grams
Iron: 2 milligrams (10 Percent Daily Values)
Cholesterol: 40 milligrams (14 Percent Daily Values)
Potassium: 300 milligrams (6 Percent Daily Values)
Sodium: 580 milligrams (25 Percent Daily Values)
*** Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Healthy Options at KFC for Chicken Items in USA

Healthy Options at KFC for Chicken Items in USA

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is the second-largest fast-food chain with 24000 outlets in 145 countries and territories around the world. Since 1939 KFC’s all original recipe is still using the secret blend of 11 herbs and spices of Harland Sanders, founder of KFC. For fried chicken, they offer a few iconic buckets of 4, 8, 12, or 16 pieces. Though KFC is famous for its fried chicken items they also offer some moderate side dishes too. KFC tries to give their customer a wide range of freedom to select the best one from all healthy options at KFC outlet.

kfc healthy options

Courtesy of KFC

Navigating KFC’s Healthy Menu Options

KFC usually offers 8 forms of chicken recipes. They are –

  1. Original recipe chicken
  2. Extra crispy chicken
  3. Kentucky grilled chicken
  4. Spicy crispy chicken
  5. Extra crispy tenders
  6. Kentucky fried wings
  7. Popcorn nuggets
  8. Nashville hot chicken

Besides these chicken items, they also offer homestyle sides (individual), homestyle sides (family), sandwiches, pot pie and bowls, salads, dressing and croutons, desserts, dipping sauces & condiments, kids drinks, kids meal applesauce, beverages, and different types of regional menu items. Even occasionally they promote a couple of items as limited-time offers. (Information is based on data February 2022 of KFC authority).

Most Nutritious and Healthy Options at KFC

Fried Wings Unsauced

Courtesy of KFC

“Kentucky Grilled Chicken Whole Wing” is the best healthy option at KFC. Because it provides 70 calories, a total of 3 grams of fat including only 1 gram of saturated fat, 45 milligrams of cholesterol, 180 milligrams sodium, and 9 grams of protein.

For the second-best healthy KFC options, opt for “Kentucky Fried Wings – Unsauced”. This fried item provides 80 calories, a total of 6 grams of fat including 1 gram of saturated fat, 20 milligrams of cholesterol, 150 milligrams of Sodium, a total of 3 grams of Carbohydrates, and 5 grams of protein.

“Kentucky Grilled Chicken Whole Wing” and “Kentucky Fried Wings – Unsauced” both items comparatively provide the low calorie, cholesterol, fat, and sodium than all other chicken items available at KFC. 

Discover Healthy Options Available at KFC Before Ordering

Truly I don’t want to advise you what KFC item you should or should not eat. Here I’ll try to give you detailed nutritional data that will surely help you to select that for yourself! 

Do you know what makes a food healthy or unhealthy? Healthy food must be low in cholesterol, provide a high amount of fiber, low amount of sugar, low fat with limited sodium. On the other hand, unhealthy foods are always high in fat content and cholesterol. So, let’s discover some healthy options available at KFC for you before ordering.

1. Original Recipe Chicken

KFC offers four original recipe chicken items –
a. Original recipe chicken breast,
b. Original recipe chicken drumstick,
c. Original recipe chicken thigh, and
d. Original recipe chicken whole wing

Single original recipe chicken breast provides 39 grams of protein with 390 calories, 21 grams fat including 4 grams saturated fat, 120 milligrams cholesterol, 11 grams carbohydrate, 2 grams dietary fiber, and 1190 milligrams of sodium. On the other hand, one piece original recipe chicken whole wing provides 10 grams of protein, no dietary fiber, no sugar, a total of 8 grams fat including 2 grams of saturated fat, no trans-fat, 3 grams carbohydrate, 55 milligrams of cholesterol, and 380 milligrams sodium content. So, you can eat 3 pieces of the original recipe chicken whole wing, instead of eating one piece of chicken breast.

Nutritional value Original Recipe Chicken

2. Extra Crispy Chicken

Keep in mind, extra crispy chicken items always give you extra calories because more batter and breading are needed to make it extra crispy. If you are a fan of KFC’s extra crispy item, try to order extra crispy chicken whole wing. Because this menu is comparatively nutritious than KFC’s other extra crispy chicken items. But limit your order, not more than a couple of wings.

Single extra crispy chicken whole wing provides 170 grams calories, a total of 13 grams fat, 2 grams saturated fat, 340 milligrams sodium, 45 milligrams cholesterol, 5 grams carbohydrate, and 10 grams protein. 

Nutritional value Extra Crispy Chicken

3. Kentucky grilled chicken

Though KFC is famous for its fried chicken items, they similarly offer few grilled options to their customer. Believe it or not, these grilled chicken items are healthier than their fried items. Kentucky grilled chicken whole wing is the best healthy option at KFC. You can consume maximum 3 piece grilled wings compare with a single grilled chicken breast.

Single KFC’s grilled chicken whole wing provides 70 calories, a total of 3 grams fat, only 1 gram saturated fat, 0 grams trans-fat, 45 milligrams cholesterol, 0 grams carbohydrate, 0 grams dietary fiber, 180 milligrams sodium, 0 grams sugar, and 9 grams of protein.

Nutritional value Kentucky Fried Wings

4. Spicy crispy chicken

As the name suggests, these items are not only crispy but also a little bit spicy. Usually, KFC offers four styles of spicy crispy chicken items. They are spicy crispy chicken breast, spicy crispy chicken thigh, spicy crispy chicken drumstick, and spicy crispy chicken whole wing. Among 4 spicy crispy chicken items, the healthiest KFC option is the spicy crispy chicken whole wing.

Single spicy crispy chicken whole wing provides 7 grams protein, 120 calories, total 8 grams fat, 1.5 grams dietary fat, 350 milligrams sodium contents, 35 milligrams cholesterol, 0 sugar, and 5 grams total carbohydrate.

Nutritional value Spicy crispy chicken

5. Extra Crispy Tenders

KFC Crispy Tenders

Courtesy of KFC

The extra crispy chicken tenders are great healthy KFC options because of their low fat and zero sugar content. KFC offers two categories extra crispy chicken tenders.

  1. Nashville hot extra crispy tender, and
  2. Extra crispy tender

Extra crispy tender provides 140 calories, 25 milligrams cholesterol, no sugar, total 7 grams fat, only 1 gram saturated fat, 320 milligrams sodium, 8 grams carbohydrate, and 10 grams protein.

Therefore, if you are determined to eat is fast food at KFC, or you want the crispy healthiest thing at KFC, extra crispy chicken tenders are a great choice for you.

Nutritional value Extra Crispy Tenders

6. Kentucky Fried Wings

Among all healthy options at KFC, Kentucky fried wings are a great choice, even the best selection. Though all fried wings item provides a low amount of protein compared to other KFC chicken options. These fried wings are offered in numbers of six for $5, 12 for $9.99, 24 for $18.99, and 48 for $36.99. Kentucky Fried Wings has four flavors –

  1. Kentucky Fried Wings – Nashville Hot,
    b. Kentucky Fried Wings – Buffalo,
    c. Kentucky Fried Wings – Honey BBQ
    d. Kentucky Fried Wings – Unsauced

Single Kentucky Fried Wings unsauced style provides 80 calories, total 6 grams fat, 1 gram saturated fat, zero grams trans-fat, cholesterol 20 milligrams, 150 milligrams sodium, 3 grams carbohydrate, zero sugar, zero dietary fiber, and 5 grams protein.

Nutritional value Kentucky Fried Wings
kfc beyond nuggets

Courtesy of KFC

7. Popcorn Nuggets

Popcorn Nuggets come in two sizes, popcorn nuggets – large and popcorn nuggets – kids. Usually, popcorn nuggets are small round pieces of deep-fried breaded chicken with batter and are very crispy. This is one of the mouthwatering items of KFC, made with real chicken breast meat.

Popcorn Nuggets – Kids size provides 290 calories, a total of 19 grams fat, 2.5 grams saturated fat, zero trans-fat, 30 milligrams of cholesterol, 870 milligrams sodium, 1 gram dietary fiber, 19 grams carbohydrate, zero sugar, and 13 grams protein.

Nutritional value Popcorn Nuggets

8. Nashville hot chicken

Nashville hot chicken combo

Courtesy of KFC

Nashville hot chicken items are one types of fried chicken that hold local specialty of Nashville, Tennessee, in the United States. KFC offers Nashville hot chicken items in many styles. But most of the items have two main categories, Nashville hot extra crispy, and Nashville hot spicy crispy. This fried chicken item contains spice, hot sauce, and cayenne breaded coating as well as served with spicy sauces drizzled over it. Among all Nashville hot chicken healthy KFC options, Nashville hot Kentucky grilled chicken whole wing is the best.

One Nashville hot Kentucky grilled chicken whole wing provides 90 calories, a total of 6 grams fat, 1.5 grams saturated fat, zero trans-fat, 45 milligrams of cholesterol, 210 milligrams sodium, zero dietary fiber, 1 gram carbohydrate, zero sugar, and 9 grams protein.

Nutritional value Nashville hot chicken

On any occasion, if you are planning to eat fast food, try to order low-calorie foods. Because fast food holds the quality of unhealthy food at all times. In the USA, among all branded fast-food chains KFC is famous for “It’s Finger-Lickin’ Good” chicken items. They offer lots of alluring chicken items in almost all of their outlets. But it’s your concern to find out the best one from all healthy options at KFC. Because many of their items are very high in fat, sodium, and cholesterol, those are not good for your health.

Please note that all information provided in this article is based on KFC’s United States menu in February 2022. If you are reading this information from another country, unfortunately, it would be a little bit different from here. Even, you may find more healthy options at KFC in your country.  

Weight Gain Dinner Ideas with Healthy Foods

Weight Gain Dinner Ideas with Healthy Foods

Are you struggling to gain weight in a healthy way? Actually for many cases gaining weight is as difficult as losing weight for others. Being underweight and overweight both can be harmful to your health. Though it’s related to lifestyle, stress taking capabilities, illness, eating disorder, or medication. If you are a normal person or have no health abnormalities and want to increase your weight in a healthy way, focus on your dinner. Without proper dinner, it’s really hard to gain your expected weight. In this article, I will try to discuss all healthy weight gain dinner ideas.

Here are the best 5 foods list for your dinner, top 3 fruits list, and top 3 dessert items to select your dinner for weight gain or add muscles in a healthy way.

Healthy Foods at Dinner for Faster Weight Gain 



Rice weight gain dinner ideas

Rice is the best food for faster weight gain in a healthy way. Because it’s a pure source of carbs and provides a good amount of calories with important nutrients that accelerate the weight gain process. Rice is easy to cook, eat and digest. Even it keeps you full for a longer time than other foods at dinner.

If you want more calories just add some butter, cheese, peanuts, or cashews at the time of cooking. Even, you can easily eat rice with vegetables or any other curry-type recipes to add different tastes according to your choice.

According to USDA Just 100 grams of cooked white rice provides 130 calories, 28 grams of carbs, Protein 2.7 grams, Potassium 35 mg, Vitamin B6, and very little fat with other nutrients.

Chicken Breast

chicken breast weight gain dinner ideas

If you are non-veg, chicken breast is the best dinner for you to gain weight faster. It is one of the highest protein-rich food with a good amount of calories. A chicken breast can easily become a whole meal for your dinner. There are many ways to prepare this delicious dinner depending on the taste you want. Fried or grilled chicken breast is available all over the world. You may also cook like Pan-roasted chicken breast.

According to USDA, Just 100 grams of roasted chicken breast provides 197 calories, 30 grams of protein, 8 grams of fat, Potassium 245 mg, Sodium 71 mg, Cholesterol 84 mg, high amount of Vitamin B6, and other nutrients like Iron, Magnesium, and calcium.

Red Meat 

Red meat dinner for muscle building

Red meat can be the best dinner for muscle building and gaining weight for its leucine and creatine. Both nutrients boost your muscle mass (the soft muscle tissue in the body). Leucine (1 of the 3 essential branched-chain amino acids) may help to lean body mass and creatine (an amino acid) provides a nonstop supply of energy to working muscles. Red meats containing dietary creatine are possibly the best muscle-building supplement.

Try to choose a lean cut of red meat rather than fatty steak. Though both are a great source of protein but fatty steaks may increase the fat mass in your body.

Every 100 grams of beef provides 259 Calories, 27 grams of protein, 17 grams of fat. Red meat also contains a good amount of Phosphorus 158 mg, Potassium 270 mg, Calcium 18 mg, Sodium 66 mg, Zinc 4.8 mg, cholesterol 87 and so many nutrients.

Fatty Fish (oily fish) 

fatty fish dinner for weight gain

Because of numerous health benefits, fatty fish or oily fish is the best among all healthy weight gain dinner ideas for both veg and non-veg person. Salmon, Sardines, Tuna, mackerel, trout, and herring are the most common and available fatty fish in the USA local market. Salmon provides a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, and Calories. Omega-3s help to build and maintain a hale and hearty body.

You can prepare an alluring oily fish dinner for weight gain in a variety of ways like grilled, steamed, baked, poached, and smoked. Even you can eat raw fish like salmon or tuna in sushi and sashimi. But the best way for dinner is grilled with veggies and sauce.

According to USDA 100 grams of raw Atlantic, Salmon fish provides 208 Calories, 13 grams of fat including 3.1 grams saturated fat, 20 grams of protein, 363 mg Potassium, 59 mg Sodium, 55 mg Cholesterol, Vitamin C, Iron, Cobalamin, Magnesium and high amount of Vitamin B6.

Whole Eggs

Eggs best dinner for weight gain

Eggs are the world’s topmost available food. You may call it powerhouses of nutrition. One single egg provides a good amount of protein, healthy fat, and almost 18 vitamins and minerals. Most of the nutrients are packed in the yolk. Eggs can be part of your best dinner for weight gain. And can be prepared to eat in various ways, including boiling, omelet, frying, poaching, baking, and scrambling. To make your dinner for muscle gain just add some veggies, cheese, or avocado to get high calories with your egg poaching. You can eat 3-4 eggs every day, even more, if you don’t have found any intolerance to eggs.

According to USDA, 100 grams of poached egg supply 143 Calories, 9 grams of fat including 3.1 grams saturated fat, 13 grams of protein, 370 milligrams cholesterol, 297 milligrams sodium, 138 milligrams potassium, and other important vitamins. 

Healthiest Fruits at Dinner to Gain Weight Fast


Fruits can be an important part of your weight gain dinner ideas. Because most fruits is a great source of carbohydrates, calories, vitamins, and minerals. Besides your regular dinner for weight gain don’t forget to add some dried fruits, Bananas, or Avocados.

Dried Fruits

dried fruits dinner for weight gain

To confirm the best dinner for weight gain, dried food should be a part of your dinner. Because it will provide antioxidants and micronutrients for your bodybuilding and weight gain. Available dry fruits are dry dates, almonds, cashews, raisins, and peanuts. A mixture of all these dry fruits is an excellent food option for every time you’re hungry. It will be tastier and healthier if you mix and blended it with a glass of milk or full-fat yogurt with water. Combining all of these you will get a high-level superpower juice containing too many calories, carbohydrates, different vitamins, and so many minerals.

Never think that dried foods are useless and have no health benefits. According to The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) every 100 grams of dried fruit provides 359 calories, 2.7 grams of fat, 83 grams of carbohydrate, Sodium 403 mg, Potassium 164 mg, high amount of vitamin C, vitamin B6, Iron, Magnesium & very little amount of Calcium.


Banana dinner for weight gain

It’s very difficult to find out any country in the world where bananas are not available. Regular consumption of this fruit can help to increase your weight significantly. Bananas are filled with carbohydrates, different vitamins, and minerals. One single small size banana can provide a handsome amount of calories. You can consume it in many ways with your dinner for weight gain. Blending it with a glass of milk, you can easily make delicious banana juice. Even, you can use water and yogurt to make other delicious juice. Green bananas are very popular in many countries for their curry-type recipes.

According to The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) every 100 grams, Banana provides 89 calories, 23 grams of carbohydrates including 2.6 grams of dietary fiber and 12-gram sugar, 358 milligrams of Potassium, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and a small number of minerals including iron and sodium.  


Avocados dinner for weight gain

Avocados are not working as a fattening fruit but they can help you to gain weight faster. It provides high calories, minerals, carbohydrates, and fat. You can eat this healthy fruit in many ways and can be a good part of your weight gain dinner ideas. The most popular way to enjoy it is “Avocado toast”. You can also consume it by making its guacamole, salads, soups, wraps, sandwiches, fries, sushi, grilled, baked, and pickled.

According to The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) every 100 grams of Avocado provides 160 calories, 9 grams of carbohydrates including 7 grams of dietary fiber, 485 milligrams of Potassium, 15 grams of fat including 2.1 grams of saturated fat, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and different minerals.

Top 3 Dessert For Weight Gain Dinner Ideas 


Many people don’t even think their outside dinner without dessert. As you are skinny and trying to gain your weight, please follow them. Dissert can have it at any time of the day but eat at least one dessert item like dark chocolate or full fat yogurt after your dinner.

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate for weight gain

If you want extra energy and weight by eating a very little amount of food, dark chocolate is the first and only option. Good quality dark chocolate offers a ton of antioxidants and other health benefits. Keep in mind that high-quality dark chocolate has at least 70 percent Cacao. Its high amount of fat and carbohydrate helps to increase your weight quicker than anything. Dark chocolate also reduces the risk of so many diseases like heart disease, stress, type 2 diabetes, and so on.

According to The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), every 100 grams of dark chocolate provides 546 calories, 61 grams of carbohydrates including 48 grams of sugar and 7 grams of dietary fiber, 4.9 grams of protein, 559 milligrams of Potassium, 31 grams of fat including 19 grams saturated fat and huge amounts of minerals like Iron, Magnesium and so on. 

Full Fat Yogurt 

full fat yogurt for weight gain

If you love dessert and want to increase your weight, a dairy-based product should be the first choice. And full-fat yogurt should be the first option among all dairy-based products. Numerous health benefits and tastes make yogurt the most popular dairy-based dessert. However, choosing the best yogurt from the grocery is challenging. That’s why to read the level carefully and make sure full-fat yogurt with your dinner for weight gain. To increase nutrition and taste a little bit higher you can add some dried fruit, Raspberries, granola, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, honey, or coconut flakes.

Every 100 grams plain full-fat yogurt provides 61 calories, 3.3 grams of fat, 3.5 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbohydrates, 13 mg Cholesterol, vitamin A, vitamin C, 155 mg potassium, calcium, and other important minerals.


ice cream for weight gain

Ice cream should be the first option of your dessert selection for weight gain dinner ideas. If you don’t have any cold allergy problems, try to eat ice cream regularly. Ice cream may help you to gain weight faster of its high amount of carbohydrates and calories.  

According to The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), every 100 grams of chocolate ice cream provides 216 calories, 11 grams of fat, 28 grams of carbohydrates including 25 grams of sugar, 3.8 grams of protein, 3 mg caffeine, 34 mg cholesterol, 249 mg potassium, 6 mg sodium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin D, Magnesium, calcium, and other minerals.


FAQs regarding weight gain:

1. What should I NOT do to gain weight?

To gain weight never eat too much junk food. There are so many foods available around you that will help add some bodyweight but they are not healthy weight gain sources. Those foods will mostly add weight around your belly and will risk your life by increasing heart disease and diabetes. So, try to eat the healthy foods listed above or foods that can build your muscle without storing fat in your body. For weight gain food selection, always try to list up protein-rich foods.

2. Which fruit is best for increasing weight fast?

According to nutritional facts and health benefits, Avocados are the best fruit to gain weight fast. But Bananas and Mangos are also excellent choices to increase body weight.  

3. What foods are high in protein for weight gain?

Chicken breast, fatty fish (oily fish), red meat are the top three high protein-rich food that helps to gain weight quickly.

4. Which deserts are best to gain weight fast?

Dark chocolate, Ice-cream, and full-fat yogurt are the top 3 dessert items to gain weight fast. If you like sweet eat dark chocolate or eat full-fat yogurt if you like the dairy product. Ice cream is unique in taste and best for all time.


Gastroenterologist In Texas-Dr Murali Alloju, MD

Gastroenterologist In Texas-Dr Murali Alloju, MD

Male, 21+ Yrs of experience


Accepting new patients

Gastroenterologist In Texas-Dr Desh Sharma, MD is a licensed practitioner in San Antanio, Texas. State and affiliated with  Metodist Hospital Stone Oak. He works for more than 11-20 Years in this field. Dr. Desh B. Sharma  received his medical degree from UNew York-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital.

Urologist In Texas-Dr Richard Scriven



General Gastroenterology


Gastroenterologist In Texas-Dr Desh Sharma, also diagnose and treat….

Hepatitis C

Ulcerative Colitis

Acid Reflux Disease (Gastroesophageal Reflux / GERD)

Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)


Chronic Pancreatitis



Malignant Neoplasm of Esophagus

Benign Polyps of the Colon

Gastritis and Duodenitis

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Chamber Location

Primary Location:

3338 Oakwell Ct, San Antonio,
TX, 78218
: (210) 268-0124

Book an Appointment

Insurances Dr. Desh B. Sharma, Accepted

Please verify your coverage from the office of Gastroenterologist In Texas-Dr Desh Sharma at the time of scheduling an appointment.

Aetna HMO
Choice Plus POS II

***Please call this number-(210) 268-0124 information about accepted insurance of Gastroenterologist In Texas-Dr Desh Sharma scheduling an appointment.

Map Location

Hospital Affiliations

Metodist Hospital Stone Oak

Education & Experiences

New York-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital
Fellowship, Gastroenterology

New York-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital
Residency, Internal Medicine

Government Medical College of Jammu and Kashmire
Medical School

Certifications & Licensure

American Board of Internal Medicine
Certified in Gastroenterology

NY State Medical License
Active through 2012

MI State Medical License
Active through 2012

TX State Medical License
Active through 2023

Frequently Asked Questions about Gastroenterologist Dr. Desh B. Sharma

 1. Where is Urologist Dr. Desh B. Sharma located?

Ans: Dr. Desh B. Sharma located at 3338 Oakwell Ct, San Antonio, TX, 78218, United State  map location and get direction.

2. Can I make an appointment with Dr. Desh B. Sharma online?

Ans: Yes, you can make an appointment online with Dr. Desh B. Sharma. You can book an appointment directly-(210) 268-0124

3. Is Dr. Desh B. Sharma accepting new patients?

Ans: Yes, Dr. Desh B. Sharma. Accepting new patients.

4. What conditions does Dr Desh B. Sharma?

Ans: Dr. Desh B. Sharma

Hepatitis C

Ulcerative Colitis

Acid Reflux Disease (Gastroesophageal Reflux / GERD)

Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)


Chronic Pancreatitis



Malignant Neoplasm of Esophagus

Benign Polyps of the Colon

Gastritis and Duodenitis

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

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