Language- English.
Accepting new patients
Dr. Willy Shea is a licensed dentist in CA state. He has expertiese in general dentistry. At present he primarily practices in Hermosura St, Norwalk, CA.
Dentist Willy Shea has 4 ratings out of 5 and try to provide good service to his patients as a good dentist in California area in 4 different location.
Please check with Dentist Dr. Willy Shea’s office directly about what conditions he treats, since he may treat additional conditions not listed here –
- Teeth Sensitivity
- Oral Pain
- Cavities
- Root Canals
- Bleeding Gums
- Bad Breath
- Teeth Straightening
- Others General Oral Health
Chamber Locations
Dentist Dr. Willy Shea to practice in California state. He has four chambers in different locations with hospital affiliation and accepting new patients. Dr. Willy is considered good dentist in CA. Please, make a call to make sure about Dr. Aadland’s nearest office location before fix your appointment.
Primary office Location :
12258 Hermosura St,
Norwalk, CA, 90650-6751
Call: (951) 280-0679
Location 2 :
Location 3 :
Book Your Appointment
Insurances Dentist Dr. Willy Shea Accepted
*** Please verify your coverage with dentist in CA, Dr. Willy Shea’s office directly before fix your appointment.
Find all insurances Dentist Willy Shea accepted :
- Ameritas
- Delta Dental
- Dental Network of America
- Guardian
- Humana
- MetLife
- Principal Financial Group
- UnitedHealthCare
***Please verify this information when scheduling an appointment.
Primary Office Map Location
Dental Clinic Affiliations
Dentist Dr Willy Shea affiliated with deltal clinic –
Gentle Dental Riverside Dental Practice – GP A Dental Office
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where is Dr. Willy Shea’s primary office located?
– Dr. Willy Shea’s primary office is located at 12258 Hermosura Street, Norwalk, CA 90650.
2. How do patients rate Dr. Willy Shea?
– Dr. Willy Shea has a patient experience rating of 3.5/5.0 based on 18 reviews.
3. What conditions does Dr. Willy Shea treat?
Teeth Sensitivity
Oral Pain
Root Canals
Bleeding Gums
Bad Breath
Teeth Straightening
Others General Oral Health
4. Does Dr. Willy Shea accept insurance?
– Please contact to Dr. Shea’s office to verify eligibility.